Moving up the ranks is as simple as playing these activity. Players can earn Vanguard Rank points by playing Strikes and Nightfalls, as well as seasonal activities like Battlegrounds. The higher you go, the more points you need – but there’s a great way to speed this process up. Players start at Guardian, then work their way up to Brave, then Heroic, and so on. These ranks are divided into six main areas, with three ranks per area except for the final rank. There are 16 Vanguard Ranks for players to progress through in Destiny 2. Ranking up through these levels and claiming the rewards – and doing it quickly – will be a priority for players that are chasing Ritual weapons and powerful gear.

This new system comes with a several ranks, a few of which feature valuable rewards. Vanguard Ranks is a new way to reward Destiny 2 players with gear for playing Strikes, Nightfalls, and other seasonal activities.